Custom Carbon Insoles
Service Description
For the insoles we carry out a detailed foot assessment in terms of shape, pronation, angle of heel, forefoot, arch shape, arch interaction. Heat moulding custom Insoles to maximise comfort and power output Positioning of cleats to suit your foots natural movement, Assess your current Stance on the pedals in relation to your hips, Apply any necessary wedges, shims for unique angles, leg length differences. Once insoles and cleat is finished we will test it all out on the trainer and make sure you are 100% happy and make any adjustments to cleats, wedges, Spacers until we get the best feel. If you do not see the time you require please contact me via email/text or contact form and we will fit you in where we can info@foottopedalbikefit.com 07907569851

Contact Details
Guildenburgh Crescent, Whittlesey, Peterborough, UK